Location: Glendale Chamber of Commerce in the Pendergast Community Center, 10550 W. Mariposa Street, Multipurpose Room, Phoenix, AZ 85037
Event Description
Explore a diverse range of relevant topics led by influential Arizona leaders. Attendees will gain valuable insights each month, discovering the impact of the featured presenter on their area of expertise. Alongside compelling presentations and a delightful lunch, you will have the opportunity to hear from the chosen charity of the month.
Pricing: Member/Member Guest Pricing: $30 (One Time Attendance)if registered by Monday week of event Member/Member Guest Pricing: $35(One Time Attendance) if registered Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday week of event Future Member Pricing: $60 (One Time Attendance) easily applied to membership if you join within 45 days
Event Details:
Location - Glendale Chamber of Commerce in the Pendergast Community Center Check-In & Networking -11:00AM Program Begins - 11:30AM Program Ends & Networking - 1:00PM Charity of Choice: TBD Lunch: Enjoy a delicious catered lunch, more details to come! Event Topic: Transform Your Memory from a Liability into Your Most Powerful Asset! Event Speaker(s):
Sean O'Neil | Memory Dynamics, Inc.
Sean O’Neil is the President of Memory Dynamics, a professional member of the National Speakers Association and is regarded as one of America’s most entertaining and motivating speakers on the topic of developing an instant-recall memory. Since 1999, he has delivered well over 4400 presentations to businesses, corporations and associations spanning virtually every industry. Known to his clients as ‘The Memory Guy’, Sean is not only a firm believer that “People will never forget how you made them feel” but also that “Even the best training is in vain… unless you can remember it!”
For additional information, please call the Glendale Chamber at 623-937-4754.
All event attendees by registering agree that their image and person may be photographed or videotaped as part of the audience. The Glendale Chamber reserves the right to use any images or video captured during its event for promotional purposes and marketing purposes.